
strategic hrm is involved in all the human

Strategic HRM is involved in all the human resource functions from recruitment to selection, reward, training and development and talent management. Implementing SHRM help organizations to gain the competitive advantage through its employees and increase their motivation and performance. Also, after analyzing the soft HRM and hard HRM and all the three theoretical frameworks for HRM, it can be concluded that there is no best approach but a combination of more than one model might get better results because of more consideration of organization, employees and external factors which can result in an improved organizational performance.

As multi-national oil and gas company, Occidental Oman Inc is applying a soft HRM techniques (except in HSE and Drilling where hard HRM applied to make sure that certain rules are always followed for employees safety) which resulted in more employees commitment and performance. But because it is relatively new company in Oman, Oxy is focusing on increasing the oil production to show its success and convince the government to award more concessions. This was achieved by winning three blocks in the last five years time. However, the current trend shows that Oxy is improving its SHRM and going to continue being the employer of choice in Oman.


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HR Management: strategic hrm is involved in all the human
Reference No:- TGS0205702

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