
Strategic hospitality operations management

The assignment is all about the topic - STRATEGIC HOSPITALITY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT in approximately 6 pages (1,500 words).

You are required to produce a 1,500 word synopsis in which you present your critical discussions on the interdependence of organisational strategies and operations, using theories concepts and current practice of operations management within the hospitality industry. These discussions should provide an in depth background of the guidance materials.

You are also required to produce a 1,500 word synopsis in which you present your critical discussions on the interdependence of organisational strategies and operations, using theories concepts and current practice of operations management within the hospitality industry. These discussions should provide an in depth background of the guidance materials.

To meet the module learning outcomes you provide a synopsis that should be no longer than 1500 words in length. This synopsis should
discuss and evaluate the interdependencies of the operational functions and the business strategies of a hospitality organisation.

In order for the synopsis to pass it should:

It is important that you define what you wish to discuss as operations management is a broad topic for discussion and will require a certain degree of focus and clarity. Critically analyse the theoretical material you are using. You need to include the key concepts underpinning each theory. You need to analyse central concepts but you need to go beyond explaining just the basic details.

You need to evaluate your argument and also evaluate your use of theoretical material these materials should also provide the background for the guidance materials you have produced.

In this stage you also need to show that you are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the theoretical material. Some theories have weak links in their rationale or are conditional on the acceptance of key concepts. You need to explain that you are aware of these.

Draw a conclusion. This does not mean that you have to agree or disagree wholesale but you do have to conclude your argument in some way.

Submissions meriting the higher grades will feature a critical analysis of theories using theoretical material related to Strategic Operations Management and its associated principles and practices within the context of hospitality management.

Demonstrate a fair level of critical analysis and evaluation

Demonstrate an adequate understanding of research techniques

Demonstrate an adequate understanding of research ethics Include some evidence of original thinking include some academic underpinning Include some evidence of wider reading.

Use an appropriately professional format Use the Harvard Referencing System

In order to gain a higher grade your synopsis should:

  • Demonstrate a high level of critical analysis and evaluation
  • Demonstrate a good understanding of research techniques
  • Demonstrate a good understanding of research ethics

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Other Management: Strategic hospitality operations management
Reference No:- TGS01238481

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