
Strategic components in video game you must address the


In this assignment you need to prepare a research report which will categorise and critique a topic from games. Your research will appreciate how this topic applies to video game design and development.

This assignment has two components:

- Research Report
- Self-Assessment in your Game Design Research Report

Your task:

This assignment requires you choose one research topic as listed below and answer the research question listed with supporting research evidence in a game design research report (template will be provided). Your report will show you have a thorough understanding of one of the topics listed below. You can choose any one of the case studies, you are not being allocated.

- Research Topic 1: Strategic Components in Video Game: You must address the following question in your research ‘How can choice and game state be designed into play?' This topic is discussed in week 7 and week 9 of class for SIT151. In addition, the following article will also help your research in this research topic: https://gamestudies.org/1401/articles/dor.

- Research Topic 2: Content Development Techniques for Video Games: You must address the following question in your research ‘How is HTML 5 being used to Develop Games?' This topic is discussed in week 6 and week 9 of class for SIT151. In addition, the following article will also help your research in this research topic: https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1016418/Applying-Retro-Techniques-to-HTML5

- Research Topic 3: Future Game Developments: You must address the following question in your research ‘How are mobile/ tablet devices bringing gaming to everyone?' This topic is discussed in week 10 of class for SIT151. In addition, the following article will also help your research in this research topic: https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1020679/Looking-to-the-Future-(Presented

Please choose one research topic. The references provided for each research topic (above) are not complete. You need to find/add more quality sources to fully present the research in your research topic.

A secondary component of the assignment is a self-assessment. Included as a part of your final submission you will use the marking rubric as defined at the end of this document to perform a self-assessment.

See below submission instructions for further information on how to complete both the research report and self-assessment.
Example Assignment 3 with self-assessment is provided on Moodle

Research report

Your research report will describe your chosen research topic, presenting the background research (with examples from games), and addressing the research question as defined.

The game design research report should include appropriate referencing and use of visuals (screen shots etc.). Your research report needs to cover the following information:

- Assignment Cover Sheet: Your details, assignment details, practical class details, declaration. The assignment cover sheet must be completed and attached as the front page of your report for your assignment submission to be accepted.

- Title Page: Name of research topic.

- Introduction: What is the research topic being explored? What is the research question? Summary of what is covered in the rest of the report.

- Background: What is the background of the research topic? What is being said about this research topic (in addition to the resources supplied)? What examples from games help us understand your chosen research topic (Please use screen shots/ audio/ video to demonstrate examples of the research topic in games)?

- The Research Question: Evidenced via your background research, answer the research question as defined for each research topic.

- References: Provide at least 5 references (the 5 includes the one provided for each research topic, as well as the lecture notes outlined) making sure you appropriately cite these sources in text. Use the Harvard Style referencing system.

- Self-assessment: Fill out the below marking rubric as a part of your final presentation. Indicate the level in which you believe you have achieved each criteria by placing a tick in the associated level. Provide a short paragraph which reflects on why you gave yourself this grade. Further information on how to perform a self-assessment with reflection is included below.

The page or word count for Assignment 3 is not specified due to the various ways in which the final report can be put together. However a quick guide on word count is 800 words. You can use visuals/ audio to convey meaning over words. The 800 words does not include the self-assessment.

*Research Topic is Topic 1*

5 harvard references

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Strategic Management: Strategic components in video game you must address the
Reference No:- TGS01597413

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