
strategic challenges for the leadership the

Strategic challenges for the leadership:

The managerial challenge of actually exercising leadership in the organizational settings provides, "real world", tests of the leadership theory and research. The seemingly ever - increasing emphasis on the importance of organizational leadership has put a great deal of pressure on managers to "perform" at high levels in the leadership role. Some of the strategic challenges for the leadership are following:

1. Identify their own leadership strengths and areas to improve: a good leader always tries to identify their leadership strengths and weaknesses in the various areas and the area which need improvement should be analyzed carefully and required adjustments should be done immediately.

2. Communicate their fundamental values and benefits: fundamental values and benefits should be communicated to the followers. This will provide them moral foundation which is essential for the every successful organization.

3. Focus on the people's effort on key values through their own actions: followers simply follow the leader. Whatever, the leader does, others observe him and try to copy him. Therefore a good leader should act in such a way so that the key values are reflected in their actions.

4. Express their image of the future: real image of successful and bright future is the most effective method of motivation. Dreams are the first step towards the realization of the success. A leader should analyze think positive and promise a bright and successful future.

5. Inspire others to share a common vision: unity is strength. There should be unity in the thoughts, words and actions for the successful completion of task. Therefore, a good leader should inspire to others to share a common vision.

6. Search for opportunities to take the risks needed for the growth: a good leader should search for the opportunities to take the risks needed for the growth. Every business involves risks. Success and failure are part of our life. A good leader search for those opportunities which have minimum risks.

7. Building collaboration, team work and trust: man is a social animal. No one can survive in the isolation. Help of others are needed even in the normal everyday activities. Collaboration, team work and the trust are very important for a business organization. A good leader should build collaboration and team work among his followers.

8. Strengthen the ability of others to excel: a good leader should set a standard example of the excellence for the others to follow. When they see their role model, when they see their role model they will try to copy. Therefore a good leader should strengthen the ability of others to excel.

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HR Management: strategic challenges for the leadership the
Reference No:- TGS0307395

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