
Strategic business insights the former sri-bi offers a

Strategic Business Insights, the former SRI-bi offers a psychographic segmentation tool. We took a peak at VALS ™ in class, Take a deeper look at the instrument, so that you are familiar with how to use it.

Then choose any two of the following brands and present how each might benefit from the use of VALS™? 1) Walt Disney World theme park, 2) Target, Inc. 3) Porsche, 4) Samsung, 5) Ruth's Chris Steak House. Also answer the following questions: There are eight VALS™ types. As I said in class, many MBA students fall into the Achiever type.. Assume that you take the survey and discover you are an Achiever, one of the eight types. What strategies might a marketing manager use to appeal to Achiever consumers through products that reflect status, prestige, and success? What brands would seem to connect with Achievers? Give answers to these questions that reflect good critical thinking and informed opinions. (You are not required to take the survey, or to share your personal results in the Journal, but welcome to do so. You may not fall into the Achiever category at all, but recognize that other MBA students do. Your perspective will be useful either way)

Finally, do you believe that the VALS™ instrument will be helpful to marketers in the future? Why or why not?

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Operation Management: Strategic business insights the former sri-bi offers a
Reference No:- TGS01629155

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