Powerpoint slides REQUIRED nearly 10-15 ,which is sufficient for me to talk for 6 minutes..(not more than 6 minutes)
Please note it’s a group presentation ,so I will provide my part of assignment to write it to you..
This is a public, acute care hospital. It provides services including obstetrics, mental health, rehabilitation, and both Emergency and Outpatient Departments.
The primary filing area has an estimated six (6) months’ worth of storage space remaining. The clerical staff members are complaining that the records are already too tightly packed and this is affecting their morale. It also impedes productivity and filing accuracy, and the speed of retrieval and re-filing. These, in turn, affect the work of clinical staff members who require medical records. For some time, this situation has also placed pressure on the secondary filing area, which holds the ‘death’ records; located at the far end of the department, this is also now full. A tertiary filing room in the basement contains older medical records and registers, some dating back to 1920 when the hospital opened. This area is dusty and spider-ridden, and there is evidence of vermin. All medical records are filed in terminal digit order, except for the deceased records (deaths) which are filed in straight numerical order, according to year of death. The hospital is situated on a large site but does not have further physical space available for medical record and other document storage. In the currently parlous public hospital financial situation, nor will it have the resources in the medium-term future to undertake digital scanning of the medical records. At present the hospital maintains, in hard copy, all medical records of patients treated since 1970. There has been an electronic medical record tracking system in place since 1 January 2009. Prior to this, there was a hard-copy Tracer Card (in-file) manual tracking system used.
In order to enable better management of the records the following decisions have been made:

In a strategic attempt to rectify the situation, the Director of Health Information Services has asked a team ofjunior Health Information Managers (you and your colleagues) to research, prepare and present a plan thatidentifies medical records for retention and/or destruction at the hospital in the coming two and a half years.
Your Director has requested that you review the situation, and the relevant Public Records Office of Victoria(PROV) requirements in preparation for developing a detailed Retention and Disposal process for the hospital. You need to present your recommendations to the senior Health Information Managers.
The presentation should include description of the processes to achieve the following:
• Informing the PROV of any activity in this domain that is required by regulation. This description should include, where appropriate, the background to these regulations and why they are necessary.
Eg..destruction and transfer of record
Permanent records for PROV TO KEEP
• Maintaining lines of authority and governance regarding approvals to destroy/dispose of the records
You may choose to use tables and graphics to support your recommendations in your presentation.
Include a slide at the end which has full citation details of references you have used in the assignment. Use APA style of refrence.
Focus your assignment on the documentation described in Section 2 of PROS 11/06.
Carefully consider which documents at the hospital are in and out of scope for this project Special considerations
Note explanations in the introduction of the PROS 11/06 including:
• Access by or on behalf of patient’ – for purpose of providing treatment and care
• The hospital has some medical records and registers dating back to 1920s. The RDA covers records createdduring and post 1950. PROV must be consulted before destroying records prior to 1950, using the form availablefrom their website.
• Managing records which are involved in current FOI or other legal process
• Agencies don’t have to destroy in accordance with the RDA; this sets the minimum retention periods.
Destruction process:
Refer to PROS 10/13, especially:
• a process for internal authorisation before destruction
• requirement for a destruction register
• accepted methods of destruction
Transfer to commercial storage facility:
• Note the APROSS requirements of PROS 11/01
Permanent records:
• Can be transferred to the PROV if you do not want to retain them at the hospital. Refer to PROS 10/13 and
• information on the PROV website about this process
Presentation of your report:
• You are presenting to the senior HIMs, and potentially to other hospital executives, so assume they already have an understanding of filing systems (eg you don’t need to explain TDF)
• PROV, Public Records Act etc (ie focus on the assignment criteria). But you will need to identify key standards in your report to show that you have done careful research and that your recommendations are compliant with PROV requirement