

Supportive readings:

  • Dess, Lumpkin, and Eisner's 2012 "Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages."
  • Nayar's 2010 article "A Maverick CEO Explains How He Persuaded His Team to Leap into the Future."
  • The Introduction and Chapters 1-6 in The Innovator's DNA.
  • Hitt, Haynes, and Serpa's 2010 article "Strategic Leadership for the 21st Century."

Your task in this paper includes the following elements:
1.You will analyze the global trends that influenced the need for Nayar to create a more innovative organization.
2.You will assess Nayar's use of the five discovery skills as an innovation leader.
3.You will make recommendations for his improvement on use of the discovery skills.

Communicating Your Insights

You will also be evaluated on how well you communicate your insights. It is expected that you will communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

To aid you in doing this, follow these guidelines:
•Carefully organize your paper so that a section is labeled and devoted to each of the following topics. Make sure that the reader can easily find: ?A section that analyzes factors in the global environment that influenced Nayar's need to create a more innovative organization.
?A section that assesses Nayar's use of the five discovery skills and how he used those skills to create an innovative organization.
?A section that evaluates opportunities for Nayar to improve his use of the skills that encourage and support innovative organizations.

  • Graphs or diagrams may be included in appendices if they are well explained and applicable.
  • The assignment should be 5-6 pages (excluding appendices).
  • Each section must be supported with course readings (and additional readings if desired).
  • References and citations should follow APA (6th edition) guidelines.
  • Font and font size: Times Roman, 12 point.

•Your writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.


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Business Management: Strategic
Reference No:- TGS0825427

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