
Stqa fall 2016 exercises a website shopping basket starts

STQA Exercises-

Problems set 1 - Consider the following state transition diagram:


Part 1: Given this diagram, which test case bellow covers every valid transition?

a. SS - S1 - S2 - S4 - S1 - S3 - ES

b. SS - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 - S3 - S4 - ES

c. SS - S1 - S2 - S4 - S1 - S3 - S4 - S1 - S3 - ES

d. SS - S1 - S4 - S2 - S1 - S3 - ES

Part 2: Develop test cases assuring coverage for sequences of two transitions (known as Switch-1).

Problem set 2 - Scenario: A website shopping basket starts out as empty. As purchases are selected, they are added to the shopping basket. Items can also be removed from the shopping basket. When the customer decides to check out a summary of the items in the basket and the total cost are shown, for the customer to say if this is OK or not. If the content and the prices are OK, then you leave the summary display and go to the payment system. Otherwise you go back to shopping (so you can remove items if you want).

a. Produce a state diagram showing the different states and transitions. Define a test, in terms of the sequence of states, to cover all transitions.

b. Produce a state table. Give an example test for invalid transitions.

c. Expand the model to cover CC payments, define elaborate scenario mimicking Amazon or similar vendors.

d. Produce STD and/or DT and define test cases to cover your model the best you can (explain intent for every test as well as the coverage that will be achieved by your entire battery of test cases).

Problem set 3 - Implement a form based entry (partial prototype) application covering functionality necessary for a new account creation. You need to involve only two fields: a) userID as a syntactically valid e-mail and b) user defined strong password (use your own set of minimum three common rules for accepting strong password). Using BNF, regular expressions, XML schema, syntax graph or similar formalism specify and then code associated methods for e-mail verification and for strong password verification. Prepare test cases assuring improved basis path coverage (explicitly state your choice of Bezer's rules for loops) and test your methods (if necessary fix and retest until satisfied).

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Computer Engineering: Stqa fall 2016 exercises a website shopping basket starts
Reference No:- TGS01663134

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