
Story picking-young goodman brown and good country people


"Young Goodman Brown" and "Good Country People"

Pick one of the Hawthorne stories we covered and one of the O'Connor stories and compare/contrast them
Hawthorne's stories are:

Young Goodman Brown, The Ministers Black Veil, and The Birthmark.
O'Connor's stories are:

A Good Man is Hard to Find, Good Country People, and RevelationAssignment:

Pick one of the Hawthorne stories we covered and one of the O'Connor stories we will cover and compare/contrast them in terms of the representation of evil OR the theme of religious hypocrisy.

Length/Format Requirements:

The paper should be a minimum of three typed, double spaced pages not including Works Cited page. Use a 12pt font. Margins should be 1" on all sides. Do not use a title page, but use a proper MLA heading. Be sure to include your last name and page number on each page including the Works Cited.

Quoting and Documenting Requirements:

You need to use quoted material from each story that you refer to in order to support and illustrate your exploration of this phenomenon. You also need to use two quality outside critical sources (one for each story). I want you to use the databases provided from the Virtual Library or from your school library instead of general websites. The quotes or paraphrases must be properly documented within the text and on a Works Cited page using correct current MLA documentation style. If you are not sure how to use MLA style, refer to the Additional Resources page for Module IX. Also, any current grammar handbook should cover this format.

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English: Story picking-young goodman brown and good country people
Reference No:- TGS01923710

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