
Story of columbus discovery of new world-native perspective

Creative assignment:

This is a creative assignment, please tell the story of Columbus’ “discovery” of the New World from a native perspective.

This is a creative assignment, and could take a number of different forms. For example, you might create (or rather “forge”) a letter written by a native Arawak or Carib that describes Columbus and/or his men to another tribe or indigenous group. Alternatively, you could feign to be an anthropologist who has “discovered” the account of an ancient native chronicler (passed down from generation to generation), and pretend to publish the newly-discovered source with commentary. Other options include writing a short story with a fictional (or historical) protagonist, bringing a fifteenth-century Caribbean Indian to the present-day for a radio interview, etc. The main point is that the paper should not only be historical (with references and footnotes to explain your reasoning and back up your approach), but also creative, providing the reader with an indigenous perspective that is otherwise missing from the primary sources of the period. should include references and footnotes that back up your approach and point of view use simple words not professional

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Reference No:- TGS01438310

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