Question 1) Write brief notes on the following:
a) Retention and Detention Ponds.
b) Rain water harvesting.
c) Rational Method.
Question 2) What does a contour line signify? Describe the characteristics and uses of contour lines showing appropriate examples. Demonstrate the answers with diagrams.
Question 3) State the considerations for grading of sports fields. Demonstrate the required surface slopes with diagrams for any two outdoor sports fields.
Question 4) Which are the methods of computing cut and fill volumes? Describe any one of them in detail.
Question 5) A 10-acre drainage area consists of 2-acre parking area (C = 0.9), 4 acres of lawn (C = 0.3) and remaining area with trees (C = 0.3). Intensity of 10 yr. design storm is 4 inches per hr. Compute the peak rate of runoff
Question 6) Explain with diagrams storm water drainage system used for sub-surface drainage.
Question 7) State the considerations for grading of paved areas. Show the desired surface slopes with diagrams for road, pathway, pedestrian ramp and vehicular ramp.
Question 8) Explain contour signatures with appropriate sketches.
Question 9) Draw a plan, cross section of a typical road (8 m wide + 1.5 m wide pathway + 1.5 m wide swale) and minimum 3 contour signatures for the same with reference spot level as 10 meter on the centerline of the road.
i) Longitudinal slope for the road: 4%.
ii) Road crown: 0.10 m.
iii) Longitudinal slope for the swale: 4%.
iv) Pathway slope away from the road: 2%.
v) Curb height: 0.2 m.
vi) Swale depth: 0.10 m.