Question1)a) Consider the function defined below
Int Compute( int X[ ], int n)
If (n==1)
return X[0];
return X[n-1] + Compute(X, n-1);
If this function is called in the main program by the statement p = Compute(A, 5) ; where A is any array of integers, explain the process of execution. Finally what will be contained in p ?
b) How will you store the following sparse matrix in vector and linked list representation so that only nonzero elements are stored?

c) Write a statement or a set of statements to accomplish each of the following. Assume that all the manipulations occur in main and assume the following definitions
struct TTwenty
char Name[15];
Int Total _Runs;
struct TTwenty *Next;
typedef struct TTwenty T20;
typedef T20 *ptr_T20;
i) Create a pointer to the start of the list called start_ptr . The list is empty.
ii) Create a node of type T 20 that is pointed to by pointer new_ptr of type ptr_T20. Assign the string“ Sachin ” to member Name and the value 96 to the member Total_Runs. Provide any necessary declarations and statements.
iii) Write a while loop that prints the data in each node of the list.1
Question2)a) Write a program that computes the sum of the squares of the digits of an integer.
b) Consider the following declaration
typedef struct node
{ char Course_Grade;
Struct node *Next;
} Student;
For the above declaration, the following function displays the grades of a student in different courses.
Void Display_Grades(Student *S)
{ if (Is_Empty(S))
printf("The Stack is Empty!");
printf("Printing the grades of courses..\n");
{ printf("%c\n",S->Course_Grade);
S = S->Next;
Does it display all the grades? If not, do the necessary modifications so that it displays all the grades. Also write the definition of the function Is_Empty ( ). Also write down the corresponding Push( ) and Pop( ) functions.
c) Manually provide the inorder, preorder and postorder traversals of the following binary search tree

d) Draw a binary tree for the expression A*B-(C+D)*(P/Q)