
Stock verification in a library

Question 1: Explain in detail different processes that a book has to undergo from its acquisition till it reaches in the hands of the Reader.

Question 2: State Columns of an Accession Register and describe the significance of each column.

Question 3: Write detailed notes on any two from the given:

a) Significance of various labels pasted on a newly acquired book.

b) Functions of Good Offices Committee.

c) Open Access System.

d) Broken Order.

Question 4: Describe purpose of Stock Verification in a Library. Propose a Method of Stock Verification for a Public Library. Give reasons.

Question 5: Write detailed notes on any two of the given:

a) Library Rules.
b) Library Budget.
c) Role of a Librarian in a Library Committee.
d) Library Statistics.

Question 6: What is the significance of an Annual Report? State briefly the items to be comprised in an Annual Report of a Library.

Question 7: Describe with illustrations the Principles of Library Management.

Question 8: What do you mean by Public Relations? State its requirement and significance in a Library.

Question 9: Name different book selection tools which are used in a Public Library and assess any three of them.

Question 10: Describe the principle involved in the motto ‘Right Book to the Right User at the Right Time’.

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Other Subject: Stock verification in a library
Reference No:- TGS05674

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