Stochastic message signal mt is transmitted down a

(a) stochastic message signal, m(t), is transmitted down a (noiseless) cable channel by PCM, using an 8-bit code. If the ambient signal is equally likely to lie anywhere between its two extremes, (+/- mp), calculate the ration of the mean squared signal to the mean squared (quantization) noise, in dB terms.

(b) Calculate, in dB terms, the maximum signal-to-noise ratio that would be observed in this system.

(c) If the protective cladding on the transmission cable is removed, channel noise now degrades the signal-to-(total) noise ratio by approximately 4.77 dB(from its value in part (a) for the noiseless channel), then, given that the mean squared channel noise power is 4mp2pe(L2 -1 )/3L2 where the symbols have their usual meaning, Estimate the probable bit error rate now existing in the channel.

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Electrical Engineering: Stochastic message signal mt is transmitted down a
Reference No:- TGS0562180

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