Stimulating the skills of independent analytical work


You need to submit a report of up to 20 pages (17-20 pages). It must have a critical, evaluative or analytical element, and add value by creating something new or it may focus on an issue of relevance to your organization.

The report should contain:

A clear and informative cover page
An introduction that indicates the purpose of the report
The main part, which addresses the main issues (Use Graphs and Tables)
The Conclusion with clearly stated results

Applications that provide important additional information, inappropriate in the main part

As the Final Project students should have a clearly stated objective of delivering real added-value to the business world, it may either be a Consulting Project carried out in a firm on a specific issue, or a Business Creation Project or an Applied Research useful to a company (for example for an Insurance company).

This methodical recommendation contains general provisions and guidelines for the implementation of the Final project (FP)

Basic provisions

- The PROJECT should be in the form of a report.
- The PROJECT is a solution to a specific problem of your organization with the use of ideas reflected in training programs.
-The PROJECT is an innovation that ensures a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes demanded by the market.

Objectives of the PROJECT

The main objectives of the implementation of the FP are:

- Deepening, systematization, and integration of theoretical knowledge into practical skills.
- Developing the Final Project, the ability to critically evaluate and generalize theoretical positions.
- Application of the acquired knowledge in solving applied problems.
- Stimulating the skills of independent analytical work.
- Clarifying the preparedness of graduates for practical activities in the area of market economy.

Key requirements of the FINAL PROJECT

The FINAL PROJECT should be executed in the form of a report and should contain:

- A clear and informative cover page
- Content
- An introduction that indicates the purpose of the report
- The main part, which addresses the main issues of the Final Project
- The Conclusion with clearly stated results
- References
- Glossary
- Applications that provide important additional information, inappropriate in the main part

Description of sections

Introduction. The introduction contains the following main points:

- Main idea
- The relevance of the chosen idea, its theoretical and/or practical significance
- An explanation of how, by what methods, and in what order the author intends to solve the issues
- An announcement of the structure of the work (the title of the chapters of work and their brief descriptions)
- Characteristic of the main sources of information

The introduction should be short (no more than two-three pages) and clear. It should be made clear from the introduction what the work (the purpose of the work) is devoted to, what tasks and by what methods are solved in it, and what results should be achieved.

The main part of the work is the main content.

The essence of practical research is revealed in this part, that is, the entire course of the search and evidence of the correctness of decisions are carefully prescribed. The main goal of this part of the work is to answer the question expressed in the Final Project. Each chapter of the work should be concluded with brief conclusions.

Conclusion. In conclusion, it is necessary to clearly formulate the results obtained during the implementation of the FP and the main conclusions to which the author has come. Conclusions should be concise and organically drawn from the content of the work.

Applications are not an obligatory element of the FP structure. It is advisable to introduce applications when the author uses a relatively large number of cumbersome tables, statistical material, and computer program listings. Such material, placed in the main part, would make it difficult to read the work.

Requirements for Registration

- The FINAL PROJECT text is prepared using computer-assisted document preparation. It is preferable to use the Microsoft Word (Windows) or Pages (Mac OS) text editor standards.

- The work is submitted in an electronic format, A4 format with portrait or landscape orientation.

- Recommended document field sizes: upper - 2 cm, lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1,5 cm. Line spacing - 1,15. Indent paragraph - 1.25 cm.

- Font guidelines - Times New Roman, Tahoma, Calibri.

- Work pages (including applications) must have end-to-end numbering. The first page is the title page, on which the page number is not set.

- Tables and drawings should not only be numbered but also signed.

- The completed FP should be sent to the representative office in your area that will pass it for evaluation. Keep a copy to avoid problems with a possible loss in transit.

General Recommendations

- Orientation to the reader, clarity, and precision of the presentation.

- Optimum correlation between theory and practice.

- Structured and logical presentation.

- Use of adapted charts and tables where appropriate.

- Compliance with the main format.

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Project Management: Stimulating the skills of independent analytical work
Reference No:- TGS02467499

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