
Sterilization and disinfection

Question 1: Define the terms sterilization and disinfection. Describe in detail chemical disinfectants with their applications.

Question 2: Write brief notes on any two:

a) Bacterial spore.
b) Selective media.
c) Methods of anaerobiosis.

Question 3: Name some organisms causing urinary tract infections. Describe laboratory diagnosis of UTI.

Question 4: Write brief notes on any two:

a) Tetanus toxoid vaccine.
b) Corynibacterium diphtheriae.
c) V.D.R.L.

Question 5: Explain intestinal nematodes. Explain life cycle of Ankylostoma duodenale. What are its complications?

Question 6: Write brief notes on any two:

a) Mycetoma.
b) Trichophyton rubrum.
c) Hydatid cyst.

Question 7: Explain transmission of Hepatitis B virus. Describe laboratory diagnosis and its prophylaxis.

Question 8: Write brief notes on any two:

a) Agglutination reactions and application.
b) Anaphylaxis.
c) Tissue culture.

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Biology: Sterilization and disinfection
Reference No:- TGS05497

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