Stereochemistry of diols from alkenes


Q1. Give the IUPAC name of the major organic product of the following two-step synthesis.  Pay attention to stereochemistry if appropriate.

The major organic product of the previous two-step synthesis is ...

a. Chiral and only a single stereoisomer is formed.
b. A racemic mixture.
c. Not chiral.

756_organic product.JPG

Q2. Give the IUPAC name of the major organic product of the following two-step synthesis.  Pay attention to stereochemistry if appropriate.

The major organic product of the previous two-step synthesis is ...

a. Chiral and only a single stereoisomer is formed.
b. A racemic mixture.

c. Not chiral.


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Chemistry: Stereochemistry of diols from alkenes
Reference No:- TGS01918879

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