
Steps to success achieving your goals discuss what you are

Question: Task: The purpose of this task is to develop a career action plan indicating your own career situation and future career path.
You must submit a career action plan that deals with the aspects of career development covered in your subject materials. Your career action plan should include the following:

1. Current Situation

• Introduction: An introduction and overview of your current career position which also includes an analysis of your personal preferences, interests, skills, values and abilities.

• Graduate and employability skills: A brief analysis of graduate and employability skills - you should be able to discuss which of these you believe you can successfully claim to possess and which you may need to acquire or improve upon. You should not just make claims but provide supporting information to demonstrate your claims.

2. Ideal Situation

• S.W.O.T. Analysis: Reflecting on your current situation and ideal situation, provide a S.W.O.T. analysis. (Analysis of your internal ‘strengths' and ‘weaknesses' and your external ‘opportunities' and ‘threats'.

• Career Goals: What are your short-term career goals? What are your long-term career goals?

3. Steps to Success: Achieving your goals

• Discuss what you are going to do to achieve your career goals.

4. Referencing

• APA 6 referencing as relevant with citations and list of references for any sources used within the assignment.

• Students need to note that despite this being partly a personal reflection it is still academic work and thus needs to be referenced accordingly.

• Students are expected to have 5 references following APA 6 guidelines, which will constitute part of the marking criteria for a passing mark.

5. Presentation

• Clear and appropriate structure.

• Demonstrate depth of reflection.

Rationale: This task is designed to help you achieve the following learning outcomes:

• be able to define, evaluate, and reflect on employability skills and graduate attributes to plan appropriate professional development activities

• be able to explore, develop and evaluate a personal career plan

• be able to learn and assess through reflection

• be able to explore and enhance personal brand development through academic application and self-development

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Dissertation: Steps to success achieving your goals discuss what you are
Reference No:- TGS02795704

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