
steps of process planning procedurestep 1

Steps of Process Planning Procedure

Step 1 Selection of Process: A process is necessary in order to shape form condition and join materials and components with the help of machines and labour in order to convert raw material into the finished product. One should select the most economical process and sequence that satisfy the product specification. The selection of process depends upon the current production commitment delivery data quantity to be produced and quality standards.

Step 2:
Selection of Material: Material should be of right quality and chemical composition as per the product specifications. Shapes and size of material should restrict the scrap.

Step 3: Selection of jigs Fixtures and other special attachments: These supporting devices are necessary to give higher production rate and to reduce cost of production per piece.

Step 4: Selection of cutting tools inspection gauges: They are necessary to reduce production time inspect accurately and at a faster rate.

Step 5: Making the Process Layout: Involves making the process layout indicating every operation and the sequence in which each operation is to be carried out.

Step 6: Setup Time: Next step is finding setup time and standard time of each operation.

Step 7: Making Operations and Route Sheet: Last step is to manifest process planning by documents such as operations and route sheets which summarize the operations required the preferred sequence of operations auxiliary tools required estimated operations times etc.

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Project Management: steps of process planning procedurestep 1
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