
Steps in the rational model of policy analysis


Requirements :

I. Begin with a clear description of the policy to be examined.

II. Systematically answer questions in accordance with one of the approved policy analysis models that follow.

III. Conclude with YOUR assessment as to whether the policy is good, fair, effective, & what should be done if it is not.

• 10 to 15 typed, double-spaced pages in accordance with APA style guidelines (e.g. cover page, Reference page, in-text citations)

• At least 7 scholarly references, properly cited

I. Introduction:

• What is your social policy topic?

• What is the specific social problem it is intended to address?

• What is the specific piece of legislation that you will be examining?

• Which model of policy analysis will you be using?

II. Policy Analysis:

• Describe/define the model you will be using, referencing DeNitto, Barusch, Kirst-Ashman, &/or Popple&Leighninger.

• What are the main elements/questions under consideration in this model.

• Why is this a good choice for examining the effectiveness, fairness, success ?? of this policy.

Historical Analysis (Popple&Leighninger):

• What policies and programs were previously developed to deal with this problem?

• How has the policy under analysis developed over time?

- What people or groups initiated or promoted the policy?

- What people or groups opposed the policy?

• What does history tell us about the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of various approaches?

• To what extent does the current policy/program incorporate the lessons of history?

Steps in the Rational Model of Policy Analysis:

• How is the problem defined?

• What is the nature or cause of the problem?

• What are the proposed policy alternatives and what do they intend to accomplish?

• To what extent will the proposed policies address the need?

• What will the costs of the proposed policy be?

• What are the possible unintended effects of the policy?

• What recommendations might be made with regard to the policy?

Additional Considerations & Questions related to the issues of "fairness" and service delivery options/rules:

• Is the policy designed as universal or selective init's application? How is that relevant?

• What are the major social values related to this problem and what value conflicts exist?

• What are the hypotheses implicit and explicit in the statement of the problem and goals? For example, what does it assume in terms of the causes of the problem, causes of poverty, trustworthiness of those it is intended to help, etc.

III. Your "Educated" Conclusion:

• Should the policy/legislation be enacted or continued as it is? Why or why not?

• What is the alternative that should be considered? Is there one already being proposed, or what should be addressed that is not being addressed currently?

Note: Support your conclusion referencing the "evidence" that you used to answer the questions in your model in Section II.



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Other Management: Steps in the rational model of policy analysis
Reference No:- TGS01831410

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