
steps in the process of personnel managementthe

Steps in the process of personnel management:

The steps or activities in the process of personnel management include:

1) Manpower planning which involves the long-term planning of the manpower requirements of an organization, with the aim of obtaining and retaining the "right" staff.

2) The second step in personnel management is that of recruitment of employees. Recruitment starts when a company finds it needs to hire more employees. The step includes two distinct activities i.e. recruitment (or soliciting for applicants) and actual selection mainly through interviews.

3) The recruitment and selection of employees is followed by placement and orientation of the new employees. Placement involves posting the employees to the relevant positions and supplying them with job descriptions. Orientation involves socialising or inducting the employee into the organizational processes. The new employee is supplied with information he or she needs in order to function comfortably and effectively in the organization.

4) Training and development is the other activity or step in the personnel management process. Training and development programs are concerned with ensuring that employees have the necessary skills to perform their jobs. Training is mainly for employees while development is mainly for managerial staff.

5) Performance appraisal is the other activity in personnel management and it is the process of measuring human performance in the organization. Performance appraisal indicates how well employees are functioning in their positions, the deficient skills in the employees and where employees have sufficient skills or even areas of over qualifications. Appraisals are therefore good basis for training, development or even promotion of staff.

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HR Management: steps in the process of personnel managementthe
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