
steps in system analysis the following are the

Steps in System Analysis 

The following are the steps involved in systems analysis: 

  1. Define the system (definition of the system) including its scope; 
  2. Analyse the operations; Synthesize alternate solution;, 
  3. Evaluate the alternatives according to defined criteria; 
  4. Iterate the above steps to increase the detail and to modify the results if they do not adequately solve the problem. 

It must be mentioned here that a methodology is a body of methods, rules and postulates employed by a discipline. Therefore, a methodology involves recommendations about phases, sub-phases and tasks; when to use which and their sequence. It also indicates the sort of people necessary to perform each task. It also identifies the documents, products, reports that should result from each phase. Management, control, evaluation and planning' and development also form part of the methodology.    

Information system methodologies have been developed to aid modelling of information systems, specially in designing computer-based systems, which are aimed at meeting the information requirements of the users of information. They are not designed to assist the user in specifying his requirements, though these tools may be utilised by users to formulate systematic analysis of their needs. 

There are a number of different methodologies developed by systems developers and designers as a tool are available in the market. It may be stated that generally an information manager is not engaged in designing a system, but rather in selecting the most appropriate system or a software package.  

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Management Information Sys: steps in system analysis the following are the
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