
steps in mis design1

Steps in MIS design:

1.       Define the system: the system for which design is to be made has to be defined; in the terms of elements, the relationship and its boundries. The system may be the complete organization consisting of all function or only one or several functions.

2.       Source and frequency identification: once the information needs have been assessed, the source of this information and the frequency of reporting have to be identified. The source could be both external and internal whereas the frequency could be based on the occurance of the event or by expection.

3.       Formats of MIS: there are two formats which are very important, research assessment sheet, marketing activity evaluation sheet.

4.       The research assessment sheet contains information like marketing decisions, parameters, frequency, source, and the format code. The marketing activity evaluation sheet will contain the items, relationship, standard, actual, varience and reason. The first format is useual from the information POINT OF view while the second format could be used for control.

5.       Implementation: the steps needs for implementing the newly designed marketing information system could be:

  1. Prepare marketing research plan
  2. Train in the research schedule
  3. Prepare operating schedule
  4. Evaluate and modify the research system 

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Marketing Management: steps in mis design1
Reference No:- TGS0160914

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