
Steps for tag library development in the jsp

Q1. Illustrate the meaning of distributed computing? Describe the technologies available for developing the distributed computing environment? Describe about the object Marselling and un-marselling.

Q2. Design a RMI Server program for handling the credit card operation.

Q3. What do you mean by EJB?  Explain how many various types of EJB components are available? Describe the life cycle of State full session bean. 

4. Write down a Simple bean component which consists of three properties length, width and height. Write down a program for accessing the properties of bean.

Q5. What do you mean by implicit object? Describe about them.

Q6. Illustrate the meaning of user defined tag library? Write down essential steps for tag library development in the JSP.  Write down an illustration user defined tag library.          

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JAVA Programming: Steps for tag library development in the jsp
Reference No:- TGS012097

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