Prior to engaging in this discussion, read "Steps for Effective Discharge Planning" article
Refer to the information in the "Introduction to the Miller Family" document.
Select one of the family members below whose medical condition has the potential to have worsened to the point that they would need to be hospitalized. Once you have chosen your subject, create a discharge scenario. Each of these family members has been introduced in an earlier assignment. Be sure to review your materials for that assignment including any relevant instructor feedback.
Option 1: Elías - leukemia
Option 2: Lila - diabetes (IDDM)
Option 3: Sam - liver disease caused by heavy drinking
Option 4: Lucy - bipolar disorder and serious substance abuse (dual diagnosis)
• Describe the specific issues that need to be addressed when discharging this patient.
• Briefly identify who (individuals, professionals, agencies, or organizations) might be identified in the plan, what needs to be done, and when it should happen.
• Identify community resources (e.g., doctors, counselors, and agencies) that will be needed, what their roles are in the plan, and assess