Steps for debugging and compiling process in vb program

Question 1) Explain the use of procedures in VB.

Question 2) Describe the syntax of any two control statements.

Question 3) Write down the steps involved in accessing database.

Question 4) What is immediate window? Describe.

Question 5) Expalin the use of data reports.

Question 6) What is DLL? Explain its needs.

Question 7) What are class modules? Describe.

Question 8) Describe ambient properties.

Question 9) Explain the HTML tags attributes.

Question 10) Describe how to declare an array in VB Script. Give an example.

Question 11)(a) Describe the concept of methods and events in VB.

(b) Develop a simple VB program to illustrate the use of functions.

Question 12) Describe the detailed steps for debugging and compiling process in VB program.

Question 13) Write detailed notes on:

(a) Active X Data Object (ADO)

(b) Database types.

Question 14) Describe in detail the Active X controls.

Question 15) Describe the following:

(a) Arrays in VB Script.

(b) Server Side Scripting.

(c) ASP objects.

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Visual Basic Programming: Steps for debugging and compiling process in vb program
Reference No:- TGS06828

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