Comparative Psychology:
Please answer these questions.
Comparative Psychology
Short Answer Problems
Your answers need to be typed, double-spaced, and in complete sentences. Be sure to write out each question first and then provide your answer. Upload your completed assignment to the Short Answer Problems Drop Box in Blackboard as an MS Word attachment.
1. Why do need a science of ethology? What insight does this discipline provide both the scientist and the layperson? (Chapter 1)
2. According to Stephenson's model of the evolution of learning on p. 149 in your textbook, what conditions favor learning compared to genetic transmission?
3. What is a lek, and why is that form of polygyny especially interesting to ethologists? How has knowledge of kinship bonds contributed to an understanding of why males form leks? (Chapter 8)
4. How has research on birdsong provided insight into both proximate and ultimate questions regarding communication? (Chapter 13)
5. If stress-related hormones such as cortisol often inhibit learning and/or memory, how might that compound the difficulties subordinate fish face in trying to raise their rank in hierarchies?