
Step towards non-directive mediation

Party-Directed Mediation. Another Step Towards Non-Directive Mediation (Assessment’s Article)

Description:The contribution of two models is presented in this article, Party-Directed Mediation (PDM) and Negotiated Performance Appraisal (NPA) to deal with peer mediation and hierarchical mediation, respectively. Both models are especially useful for dealing with deep seated interpersonal conflict. Originally, they were used as organizational mediation models.

Read full article: https://www.mediate.com/articles/BillikopfG7.cfm

Assessment brief Summary:

Students will present a summary of the article, discussing the views of the author(s), and their main findings or arguments. Students will be required to analyse the article through applying concepts and theories. Students will also critically reflect on the author’s interpretation of the issue and, if appropriate, suggest other ways of understanding the issue.class presentation: Students are required to critically analyse above article. The written paper should be fully referenced. I need 500 words.


Analysis means to break down and study the parts. Writing a critical paper requires two steps: critical reading and critical writing.

Critical reading:

1. Identify the author’s thesis and purpose

2. Analyze the structure of the passage by identifying all main ideas

4. Make an outline of the work or write a description of it

5. Write a summary of the work

6. Determine the purpose which could be

- To inform with factual material

- To persuade with appeal to reason or emotions

- To entertain (to affect people’s emotions)

7. Evaluate the means by which the author has accomplished his purpose

- If the purpose is to inform, has the material been presented clearly, accurately, with order and coherence?

- If the purpose is to persuade, look for evidence, logical reasoning, contrary evidence

- If the purpose was to entertain, determine how emotions are affected: does it make you laugh, cry, angry? Why did it affect you?

Consider the following questions: How is the material organized? Who is the intended audience? What are the writer’s assumptions about the audience? What kind of language and imagery does the author use?

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Other Subject: Step towards non-directive mediation
Reference No:- TGS01426681

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