
Step one locate and review information explain the



1. Meet CAHIIM Curriculum requirement for Associate Degree

a. Domain V. Compliance
b. Subdomain V.A. Regulatory
c. 2. Collaborate with staff in preparing the organization for accreditation, licensure, and/or certification
d. Competencies: Accreditation, licensure, certification

2. Meet CAHIIM Curriculum requirement for Bachelor Degree

a. Domain VI. Leadership
b. Subdomain VI.F. Strategic and Organizational Management
c. Section 1. Identify departmental and organizational survey readiness for accreditation, licensing and/or certification processes
d. Competencies: Accreditation standards o The Joint Commission, NCQA, CARF, CHAP, URAC

Purpose: This assignment will help you become familiar with healthcare record arrangement and documentation standards

Assignment Description:

Step One: Locate and review information explain the differences between accreditation, licensure and certification. (NOTE: your textbook is a good place to begin).

Step Two: Review the two records provided. One is an inpatient record, the other an outpatient record. As you review the medical records, note the differences between the inpatient record and the outpatient record. (HINT: You are looking for different types of forms, different types of documentation, different intensity of care, and different types of providers. You are NOT looking for the differences between the patients such as different diagnosis or different treatment).

Step Three: Locate and review documentation standards from at least two accrediting bodies, such as The Joint Commission, NCQA, CARF, CHAP, URAC or other accrediting body.

Step Four: Select two standards to apply to the inpatient record and select two standards to apply to the outpatient record (e.g. standards related to signatures, turnaround time on histories and physicals, operative reports, etc.).

Step Five: Create a PowerPoint presentation containing:

1. Title Slide
2. Two slides comparing and contrasting accreditation, licensure, and certification. (Do NOT just give a definition of each)
3. Two slides comparing and contrasting the inpatient and the outpatient records
4. Two slides comparing and contrasting the selected accrediting bodies.
5. Two slides explaining the selected inpatient documentation standard and how the standard was or was not met in the record.
6. Two slides explaining the selected outpatient documentation standard and how the standard was or was not met in the record.
7. Reference slide

Your presentation should contain a total of ten slides. The presentation should make use of the speaker's notes section and be audience ready. Use color, font, and graphics to draw attention. Slides should be readable: Good rules to follow: At least 24 point font, no more than 7 lines on a slide, and no more than 7 words in a line.

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Dissertation: Step one locate and review information explain the
Reference No:- TGS02567027

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