
Step into the modern world and design a database

Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry has decided to step into the modern world and has asked you to design its relational database. It has given the following list of basic conditions that are needed for its database.

• Professors have a Wizard ID, a name, and their research specialty.
• Students have an Apprentice ID, a name and a pet.
• Each student is advised by at most one professor. Every professor can advise at least one or more students.
• Professors teach Courses which are offered by the school. A course has a course ID, a name and the number of credits. Every course is taught by at most one professor and a professor may teach many courses. 
• There are various houses to which students belong to. A student is a member of exactly one house.
• Some students are also heads for at most one house. Each house can only be headed by exactly one student.
• Houses are identified by their house ID and a name. 
• Students are also enrolled in courses. A student can enroll in many courses in a given term and a course contains many students. The grade of the student in the course that is offered in a term is to be noted and is unique.

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Database Management System: Step into the modern world and design a database
Reference No:- TGS0104864

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