
Step-by-step mrp calculation process

Utilizing the Step-by-Step MRP Calculation Process, students will solve the following MRP problem given: Product A is an end item and is made from two units of B and four of C. B is made of three units of D and two of E. Product C is made of two units of F and two of E. Product A has a lead-time of one week. Products B, C and E have lead-times of two weeks. Products D and F have a lead-time of three weeks.

a. Show the bill of material (product structure tree).

b. If 100 units of A are required in week 10, develop the MRP planning schedule, specifying when items are to be ordered and received. There are currently no units of inventory on hand.

Grading Criteria:


Student will demonstrate their relevant knowledge of MRP

Apply critical thinking in applying MRP concepts

Create an Master Production Schedule and a Material Requirement Planning Chart

If there is a positive net requirement in a week, backward schedule by the lead-time and enter the quantity for the planned order release that will satisfy the net requirement.

The student applied correct APA, style, usage, grammar, and punctuation.

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Operation Management: Step-by-step mrp calculation process
Reference No:- TGS0513669

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MRP calculations and production schedule is the topic of discussion. There is solution provided to a given problem and based on the solution, interpretation of the findings given in the table format. Overview of MRP and applications of MRP also discussed in the current problem.

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