
Step 1 select two factors listed below step 2 explain both

The process of international management is affected by the environment where the organization is based, as well as by the unique culture, including views on ethics and social responsibility existing in the country where it conducts its business activities.With the expanding global market since the 1980's, Nations have increased collaborative efforts and partnerships aimed at improving their respective economies through comparative advantages; which seek a nation's ability to produce some products more cheaply or better than others. Throughthis effort countries created trade and tariff agreements.  These actions have created markets and opportunities for businesses through the minimizing or removal of barriers to cross-border commerce.As industry/business seek to conduct operations in other countries, differences between jurisdictions and cultures become apparent with both challenges and opportunities to consider.  

The following discussion question is developed to test your knowledge and understanding of our study of International Management. Be sure to answer all parts of the following question

Instructions: From the list of factors provided below (1-8);

Step 1: Select two factors listed below;

Step 2: Explain both how and why international management is affected by each factor, and;

Step 3: Provide an explanation with one example for each of your two factors selected.

Statement: International Management is affected...

1. By the environment where the organization is based;

2. By the unique culture (where it is located/based/operating) - includes ethics and social responsibility (includes bribery and related ethical dilemmas);

3. By political climate

4. By events occurring within the global economy/other countries/world, etc. (an example would be as those events represented in our Wall Street Journal Articles)

5. By sociocultural elements (attitudes, values, norms, beliefs, demographic trends

6. By development of country and country's infrastructure (Developed versus less developed Country)

7. By human resources (Expatriates versus host country employees)

8. By the international company's strategy (Business and Functional Level Strategy)

Be sure to label and clearly organize your work to show each factor selected. Also, clearly show where you are answering the above requirement (How, Why, Example, Explanation) for each of your 2 factors selected.

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Operation Management: Step 1 select two factors listed below step 2 explain both
Reference No:- TGS01555282

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