Step 1 go tonbspwww5off5oncomnbspto learn more about pit

STEP 1: Go to to learn more about Pit Instruction and Training, a company that provides training for racing pit crews as well as team training.  Click on Video Tours & Media.  Take the virtual tour of team training by clicking on PIT Instruction & Training Virtual Tour.  Then, click on Press Archives and open the following:

                Page 2:  United Airlines at Pit Crew U

                 Page 3:  Airline Workers Train at Pit Crew School

                 Page 2:  United turns to Nascar for Efficiency Lessons              

                 Page 2:  Corporations Using Pit-Crew Training to Build Teamwork to see an example of this type of team training.

STEP 2:  Discuss with your final project group and answer the following:

a.  What training needs might suggest a Pit Instruction program is necessary?

b.  Make a table showing what actions the manager, trainer, and program participants should take to insure the transfer of training occurs.

 c.  How would you as a group evaluate the effectiveness of this type of team training program.  That is, what outcomes would you collect?  What type of evaluation design would you use?  Justify your recommendations

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Business Management: Step 1 go tonbspwww5off5oncomnbspto learn more about pit
Reference No:- TGS01120756

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