Step 1: Click on the icon within the object tool bar
Insert -> SSI
Step 2: choose the file
Step 3: Add the file
Step 4: Give the URL (where to be attached)
Step 5: Provide information on comparative to the document or to the "Site Root"
Step 6: Click on OK.
To Show/Hide The SSI Document In The Page
Step 1: Click on Edit
Step 2: choose reference
Step 3: choose Translation
Step 4: Click on SSI
Step 5: For illustrating the SSI file; select one of the following options:
i. in all files
ii. in no files
iii. in files with extension (stm, htm, html, shtm, shtml)
iv. in files matching one of these expressions "<!-- #include"
Example : <!--#include virtual="/virtual campus/bitmain/result.html" -->
Step 6: Click on OK