steam flows through a turbine one inlet and two exits with know condition at the steady state ( hints: h1=3231KJ/kg, h2=2812 KJ/kg , specific volume (v)= 0.0994 m^3/kg , at p= 30 bars,v=0.4045m^3/kg, at p=5 bars, no potential and kinetic energy change from inlet to exit,no heat transfer to system apply mass/energyrate eqns)
given: P1=30bars,T1=400c, (AV)1=85m^3/mn
P3=0.06 bar,X3=90%, V3=40000 kg/h
find the mass flow rate in kg/sec at inlet and mass flow rate at exit2.
find exit area,A2 of duct in square cm
find the specific enthalpy (h) at exit 3 in KJ/kg