
Steam flows steadily through an adiabatic turbine theinlet

1.Steam flows steadily through an adiabatic turbine. Theinlet conditions are 10 MPa, 450 C and 80 m/s. and the exitconditions are 10 kPa, 92% quality at 50 m/s. The mass flowrate of the steam is 12 kg/s. Determine the change in kineticenergy and the power output .Steam flows through an adiabatic air.

2.What are the units of specific heat? When undergoing agiven temperature change, which of these two common gasses -air or oxygen – experiences the largest change in its (a)enthalpy, and (b) internal energy.

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Civil Engineering: Steam flows steadily through an adiabatic turbine theinlet
Reference No:- TGS0800183

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