
Statistics and data management assignment brief you are to

Statistics and data management: Coursework

Statistics and Data Management Assignment Brief

Required: you are to use the dataset traffic data.xls to write a report for the Vice chancellor on the need for traffic calming measures along Coldharbour Lane. The speed limit on the stretch of the road where the survey was conducted is 30mph. The traffic speeds were taken for one day in May 2015. In writing your report and utilising the data you are to consider how the data might be used if the researcher was biased and wanted to

a. Argue that traffic calming measures were not needed
b. Argue in favour of traffic calming.
A good report will:
• Make full use of descriptive statistics and graphical techniques.
• Link the work undertaken to other studies
• Show that the student understands how data can be manipulated

Some sources that may prove useful are:




You should also do a little research of your own.


Step 1: Construct a dataset in the excel

You have been given the basic dataset. You will use this to construct all the statistics and diagrams that you use in your report. This excel file will be submitted with your word file and will be worth 30% of your final mark.

Step 2: Analyse the dataset using statistical tools

Estimate various statistical measures for your data series:
? Mean: Use the AVERAGE()functionin excel.
? Standard deviation: Use the STDV.S()functionin excel.
? Coefficient of variation: Divide the standard deviation by the mean.
? Median: Use the MEDIAN()function in excel.
? Upper and lower quartile: Use the QUARTILE()function in excel.
? Interquartile range: Find the difference between the upper and the lower quartile.
? Minimum: Use the MIN()function in excel.
? Maximum: Use the MAX()function in excel.

You should present the estimations in excel in a table. You will need to present the results for both cases. You should look at overall means etc. and also investigate differences between times of the day.

You do not need to do any regression analysis.

Step 3: Use diagrammatic tools to analyse the data

Construct various diagrams such as scatter graphs (to compare the variability of your series), ogives, box plots and QQ plots (to explore normality) and bar charts. The diagrams will be used for your analysis in step 4.

Step 4: Present the results in a word file

Create a word file (maximum: 1500 words) with the following structure:

Section 1 (Introduction): Describe the dataset
Section 2 (Model 1): Present the results relevant to the approach arguing for no speed restrictions (e.g. mean, median, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, relevant diagrams).
Section 3 (Model 2): Present the results relevant to the approach arguing for speed restrictions (e.g. mean, median, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, relevant diagrams).
Section 4 (Comparison): Explain differences in approach, and why the results are so different. Use diagrams, statistics to illustrate this.
Section 5 (Conclusion): Summarise what you have done and present your main findings

Note that:
? Most of the diagrams and the tables with estimations in excel should be presented in the word file. Therefore, step 2 and step 3 should be reflected in both the excel and the word file. Otherwise, you will lose marks.
? You need to use labels such as Table 1: Descriptive Statistics, Figure 3: Mean speeds by houretc.

General instructions
You have to submit both the excel file created in steps 1-3 and the word file created in step 4. The limit for the word file is 1,500 words.

Breakdown of marks
? Excel file (30%): Your excel file should contain all the data presented in a clear way as well as all the statistical estimations and graphs.
? Use of statistical tools (20%): Your statistical estimations should be presented in clearly labelled and formatted tables.
? Use of diagrammatic tools (20%): You should use relevant diagrams clearly labelled and presented.
? Discussion of results (30%): You should discuss concisely and clearly the data and the results.

Attachment:- assignment-data-2016.xlsx

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Applied Statistics: Statistics and data management assignment brief you are to
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