Chapter 8 Overview & Analysis
1. Please read Chapter 8 of Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics. Then, provide an overview and analysis of the materials read in this chapter in 100 to 150 words by replying to this message.
2. Chapter 9 Overview & Analysis
Please read Chapter 8 of Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics. Then, provide an overview and analysis of the materials read in this chapter in 100 to 150 words by replying to this message.
3. Provide an analysis on the Video
Hypotheses: Null Hypothesis, Alternative Hypothesis, Two-Tailed Hypothesis
In experimental methods researchers document their ideas and predict how their experiments will turn out. A null hypothesis predicts no difference will be found and an alternative or experimental hypothesis states the opposite.
4. Scientific Method; Form a Hypothesis A hypothesis must be testable, is stated in an "If. . . Then" format, and is proved or disproved by experimentation. Theories explain a body of data and often lead to new hypotheses.
Cambridge Educational
The Scientific Method
5. Hypothesis Testing
This video discusses real-world application of hypothesis testing to support business decision making. The video addresses the following: how this applies to you, how data is utilized in the workplace for making more informed decisions, and why this information is important.