Statistical efficiency of sampling methods

Question 1

The research process can be summarized in a sequence of steps which defines a systematic procedure for the objectives of a research to be met. Describe the sequence of steps involved.

Question 2

The “School Compost Project” was launched in 2005 in secondary schools in Mauritius with the objective of developing an awareness of how to make use of biodegradable waste in a profitable way. Explain how you would select a sample of secondary school students in Mauritius for the purpose of eliciting their views on the “School Compost Project” by

(i) Simple random sampling,

(ii) Systematic sampling,

(iii) Cluster sampling.

Elaborate on the statistical efficiency of each of the sampling methods.

Question 3

Survey researchers should adhere to ethical principles when conducting surveys. The researcher has responsibilities to at least the following four categories of people:

 - The Public

 - Client/Sponsors

 - The Profession

 - Respondents

Provide a short note on each of the category, which outlines the responsibility of the researcher.

Question 4

When conducting a survey there are many practical issues that need to be built into any proposal or plan. These matters will affect the type of survey you end up conducting. List any four questions that help to assist with covering the practical side of survey design.

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Basic Statistics: Statistical efficiency of sampling methods
Reference No:- TGS06581

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