
Static pressure and static temperature

1) A long pipe of 25.4 mm diameter has mean co-efficient friction of 0.003. Air enters the pipe At mach number of 2.5, stagnation temperature of 310K and static pressure of 0.507 bar. Compute for a section at which the Mach number reaches 1.2

a) Static pressure and static temperature

b) Stagnation pressure and temperature

c) Velocity of air

d) Distance of this section from inlet

e) Mass flow rate

Assume the flow is isothermal.

2) Air is enter in to supersonic wind tunnel at nozzle throat area of 200 cm2shock is located in the test section, determine the following and test cross Sectional area of 330 cm2

a) Test section mach number

b) Diffuser throat area

3) A convergent divergent nozzle is designed to expand air from a reservoir in which pressure Is 800KPa and temperature is 40°C to give a mach number at exit of 2.5. The throat area is 25 cm2

a) Mass flow rate

b) Exit area

c) When normal shock appears at a section where the area is 40 cm2. Compute the pressure and temperature at exit.

4) Compare and contrast the solid and liquid propelled rocket systems. Also describe how a solid propellant Engine works.

5) a) Describe the working principle of a Ram jet engine with a neat sketch.

b) Provide the difference with merits and demerits of a turboprop and turbojet engine.

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Mechanical Engineering: Static pressure and static temperature
Reference No:- TGS013454

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