
static and dynamic interconnection networkin a

Static and Dynamic Interconnection Network

In a static network the connection among input and output nodes is permanent and cannot be changed. Static interconnection network cannot be restructured. The examples of this type of network are ring, linear array, tree, star, chordal ring, fat tree, mesh, systolic arrays, tours and hypercube. This type of interconnection networks are more consider for building computers where the communication pattern is extra or less fixed, and can be executed with static connections. In dynamic network the interconnection pattern among inputs and outputs can be changed. The interconnection pattern can be restructured according to the program demands.  Here, instead of fixed connections, the arbiters or switches are used. Examples of such networks are crossbar switches, buses and multistage networks.  The dynamic networks are normally used in shared memory(SM) multiprocessors.


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Computer Engineering: static and dynamic interconnection networkin a
Reference No:- TGS0208073

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