
Statements respect to location of needed audit information


DayGlow Auditing Firm is performing the external audit of Moon Enterprises, Inc. Moon Enterprises is a retailer of astronomical equipment including telescopes and star charts. The current audit represents the third year that DayGlow Auditing Firm has provided external auditing services to Moon Enterprises, Inc. One of the audit managers assigned to the audit is attempting to locate information needed for the current year's audit. Which of the following statements are accurate with respect to the location of the needed audit information?(Several choices may be correct.) The audit manager is most likely to find documentation pertaining to details of the board of directors and minutes from board meetings in the current file. The audit manager is most likely to learn of any documented deficiencies in internal control by consulting the current file. The audit manager is most likely to find information and documentation pertaining to the use of specialists in the current audit file. Documents pertaining to lease obligations are most likely to be obtained by consulting the current audit file.

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Accounting Basics: Statements respect to location of needed audit information
Reference No:- TGS03426432

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