
Statement of the experience leadership vision


To serve as leader/co-leaders for entertainment portion such as Chinese Spring13 Festival at any campus in the state to develop and execute a plan for the overall leadership experience.


1) Brief explanation of what the benefits are from getting involved in such an event for leadership experience and why you chose this particular experience.

2) Statement of the experience leadership vision (what you want to achieve and why it's important) and 2-3 goals for this experience.

5 categories in the event

1. Food. (400-500 meal to serve)

2. Money. (Sponsor and donation inside-outside campus to reach budget $2500-3000)

3. Performance. (Around 8 shows such as singing, dance, Chinese traditional music...)

4. Decoration. (Writing names in Chinese, etc...)

5. Advertisement. (Sending e-mail to attend the event, Ad in campus/union, and local TV/newspaper to cover the event.

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Other Management: Statement of the experience leadership vision
Reference No:- TGS01764260

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