
Statement must propose an arguable solution to a problem

Question :You have two tasks to complete in this week's discussion forum posting.


First, post your working thesis statement. Remember that your thesis statement must propose an arguable solution to a problem related to your major.

Second, cruise the databases and portals shown in the list below.

The APUS Library has valuable tools to help you with your research:

Video on selecting a database

Video on scholarly journal articles

Video on searching for books

The search engines linked below may be helpful in your research.

Social Science Research Network

IR and Security Network

Directory of Open Access Journals

Current Government Information (the GPO site is no longer being maintained)


Internet Public Library

Google Scholar

Then in this forum name at least 3 databases, search engines, or portals that you explored. Indicate which one might be the most helpful to your research. Each subscription database is set up a bit differently so, if you can, share tips you have discovered in the past for making your searches more productive. Use this assignment to explore at least one search engine or database new to you.

Your initial posting is due no later than midnight Thursday and should be between 250 and 300 words; your peer responses are due by Sunday midnight and must be at least 100 words in length and move the conversation forward.

Use this format when posting your thesis statement:

Thesis Statement:

When you respond to your classmates'' postings, please critique their thesis statements for clarity and conciseness; ideally, thesis statements should be a single sentence. Be sure that the thesis statement identifies a problem and proposes a solution. "Test" peers'' thesis statements, using the criteria in the chapter. You may also suggest an alternative solution for your classmates to consider as they develop their papers. If possible, share your experiences with the databases or offer suggestions to help your classmates.

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: Statement must propose an arguable solution to a problem
Reference No:- TGS01347896

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