Suggested Outline Form
I) Introduction
Anecdote or other lead-in material.
Identification of the chosen issue.
Identification of the commentators and their positions.
II) The Issue
Explain the issue in detail
Why is it controversial?
What are its greater implications?
The intelligent but uninformed reader!
III) Argument for the first editorialist's thesis--the deep analysis
Statement and explanation of the commentator's thesis
Identify suppressed premises, contingent facts etc.
Reconstruction of the argument in standard argument form.
IV) Argument for the second editorialist's thesis--the deep analysis
Statement and explanation of the commentator's thesis
Identify suppressed premises, contingent facts etc.
Reconstruction of the argument in standard argument form.
V) Explanation of your position on this issue--the deep analysis
Clear statement and explanation of your view (thesis)
Clarification of your position
VI) Argument for your position
Construction of the argument in standard argument form (including supporting and branching sub-arguments)
Identify suppressed premises, contingent facts etc.
Check for fallacies and validity.
VII) Response to commentaries
How your argument responds to the first commentary
How your argument responds to the second commentary
Other views?
VIII) Possible responses and objections to your position
Possible response from first commentator
Possible response from second commentator
Other possible responses or objections
Your response to possible objection (if any)
IX) Concluding Summary of the issue and your position.