
State your rationale for your choice why did you choose

Question: Overview: For Milestone One, you will select a public health issue and existing program you wish to address from a list (provided below). Next, you will provide a rationale for your public health issue selection and explain its significance and impact. Lastly, you may indicate any questions or concerns you have regarding the final project.

Prompt: 1. Indicate your chosen public health issue and existing program. Begin by conducting a thorough review of the website provided below:

Diabetes: CDC-Recognized Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Programs.

2. State your rationale for your choice. Why did you choose this public health issue? Your answer can include personal, professional, or other reasons. Be sure to also include a bit of background information on the issue. Who does it impact? What is its significance to public health?

3. Lastly, indicate any questions or concerns you have regarding the final project in the General Questions discussion topic (optional).
Specifically, write a brief response addressing the following critical elements:

1. Public Health Issue and Existing Program: Indicate the public health issue and existing program you have chosen to address.

2. Rationale: Provide rationale for your selection of public health issue and its impact on and significance in public health.

Guidelines for Submission: Submit a 1- to 3-paragraph Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and any sources cited in APA format.

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Dissertation: State your rationale for your choice why did you choose
Reference No:- TGS02844099

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