State the term- Use a define function
This is almost exactly the same approach as #define and -D compiler arg that C programs use. In your Verilog code, use a 'define to define the variable condition and then use Verilog preprocessor directives such as 'ifdef. Use the '+define+' Verilog command line option. For an illustration:
... to run the simulation ..
verilog testbench.v cpu.v +define+USEWCSDF
... in your code ...
initial $sdf_annotate (testbench.cpu, "cpuwc.sdf");
+define+ can also be filled in from your Makefile invocation, which in turn, can be finally filled in your UNIX prompt command line.
Defines are a blunt weapon since they are very global and you can only do so much with them asthey are a pre-processor trick. Consider the subsequent approach before resorting to defines.