
state the term in detail strobestrobe this task

State the term in detail $strobe

$strobe. This task is very similar to $display task except for a slight difference.  If many other statements are executed in same time unit as the $display task, order in which the statements and the $display task are executed is nondeterministic. If $strobe is used, it's always executed after all  other  assignment  statements  in  the  same  time  unit  have  executed.  Hence,  $strobe  provides  a synchronization mechanism to ensure that data is displayed only after all other assignment statements, which change data in that time step, have executed.


always @(posedge clock)


a = b;

c = d;

always @(posedge clock)

$strobe ("Displaying a = %b, c = %b" , a, c) ; / / display values at posedge

Values at positive edge of clock will be displayed only after statements a = b and c = d execute.

If  $display  was  used,  $display  might  execute  before  statements  a  =  b  and  c  =  d,  hence displaying different values.

Append b, h, o to the task name to change default format to binary, octal or hexadecimal


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Computer Engineering: state the term in detail strobestrobe this task
Reference No:- TGS0356067

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