
state the range of operation of adtoperations of

State the range of operation of ADT

Operations of the Range of T ADT includes following, where a, b ∈ T and r and s are values of Range of T:

a...b-returns a range value (an element of the carrier set) consisting of all v ∈ T such that a ≤ v and v ≤ b.

a...b-returns a range value (an element of the carrier set) consisting of all.

v ∈ T such that a ≤ v and v < b.

r==s-returns true if and only if r and s have the same base type, start and end values, and are either both inclusive or both exclusive ranges.

min(r)-returns the smallest value in r. The result is undefined if r is the empty range.

max(r)-returns the largest value in  r. The result is undefined if  r has no largest value (for example, the Range of Real 0...3 has no largest value because there is no largest Real number less than 3).

cover?(r, x)-returns true if and only if x ∈ r.


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Computer Engineering: state the range of operation of adtoperations of
Reference No:- TGS0356368

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