State the list of protocols supported by the Intranet
The following is the list of protocols supported by the Intranet:
- ARP: Address resolution Protocol is used to resolve the hardware address of a card to package the Ethernet data. It works at the data link layer.
- TCP: Transmission Control protocol is a connection oriented reliable protocol working at the transport layer.
- IP: Internet Protocol. The IP part of TCP/IP; the protocol that is used to route a data packet from its source to its destination over the Internet.
- FTP: File Transmission Protocol is a TCP/IP protocol running at the application layer.
- TELNET:An Internet communications protocol that enables a computer to function as a terminal working from a remote available at the application layer.
(According to web reference TELNET derived from Telephone NETwork).
- HTTP: Hypertext Transmission Protocol is the protocol used to communicate between web servers and web browser software clients.
- SPX: Sequenced Packet Exchange operates at the transport layer providing connection-oriented communication on top of IPX etc.